Our Partner Organizations

Strong Towns Nanaimo is partnered with a variety of other groups around town. We're thrilled to be working with other dedicated organizations in Nanaimo. Want to partner with us? Email [email protected] to get started.

Strong Towns Campbell River

Strong Towns Campbell River advocates for a town that is safe, resillient, and prosperous. Strong Towns is about taking small, local action to achieve safer streets, financial solvency, and affordable housing. Are you passionate about making streets more walkable & easier to cycle? Are you keen to cut down red tape, support local businesses, and ensure the city balances its books? Do you binge NotJustBikes videos? Join their Facebook group to get started!

Strong Towns Langley

Strong Towns Langley is a community group that advocates for a more resilient, fiscally sound, and people-oriented Langley, British Columbia, Canada. The group is made up of ordinary citizens who volunteer their time, energy and ideas to promote the insights of Strong Towns with local advocacy projects in Langley, BC.

Nanaimo Climate Action Hub

Nanaimo Climate Action Hub is a non-profit, grassroots, membership driven organization working in the community to effect change both locally and globally. We collaborate with other groups in Nanaimo and beyond, connecting people to people, people to knowledge, and people to action in response to the climate crisis.

Transition Nanaimo

Transition Nanaimo is a Not-for-Profit Society which is working to accelerate Nanaimo’s transition to a thriving, low-carbon future. Their goal is to bring people together to explore how we can make Nanaimo a sustainable and resilient community that is prepared to thrive in the lower-energy, post-carbon world that is coming as we transition away from fossil fuels.

More Homes Canada

More Homes Canada is a coalition of local housing advocacy groups. Together, we are fighting to end Canada’s housing shortage. Across Canada, municipal governments have made it incredibly difficult to build higher density housing. We’ll need a lot of new homes to end the housing crisis, and the first step is to get out of our own way.

Better Island Transit

Frequent and affordable public transit service can provide convenient independent mobility for travellers who cannot, should not or prefer not to drive on Island highways. It also reduces road congestion, crashes and pollution emissions. It supports local economic development by helping students access school, workers access jobs, businesses access employees and tourists access rural areas. It helps create more livable, equitable and successful communities.

Closer Commutes

CloserCommutes.org is an innovative initiative to radically reduce commuting times and distances, cut other vehicular travel and boost bike+walk+transit use. Our goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas around the globe, save commuters billions of hours annually and boost organizations’ productivity, while lowering HR costs, decreasing traffic congestion and pollution, lowering healthcare costs, and strengthening regional economies.